The Hôtel Americano
518 West 27th Street, NYC
Ask any staff member at the hotel for “Sarah White’s Studio” and you will be given the room number.
The event is free and will have complimentary beverages and snacks
Sarah White will be holding an independent Open Studio in protest of the West Chelsea Artists Open Studios’ censorship of her and her art. She will be presenting some of her art work, talking with visitors, and holding an open public discussion on censorship in the art world, commercialism vs. art, and the professional segregation of women who utilize the performative body provocatively. Works of art not seen in her online portfolio, and some containing nudity, will be on view.
Some questions on the table:
1) When every artist seeks to sell her art, what’s the difference between a “commercial entity” and an “artist”?
2) When every piece of art is an advertisement for its own sale, what’s the difference between an “ad” and “a piece of art”?
3) Is there a performance art prejudice in the art world?
4) What is a woman allowed and not allowed to do if she wishes to call herself an artist?